Is Natural Skin Care Making My Skin Worse?

Is Natural Skin Care Making My Skin Worse? - Essentials Everything

Is Natural Skin Care Making My Skin Worse?

What is skin purging and what does it look like?
Have you ever tried a new product expecting miraculous results? But it made your skin break out more than usual? You probably even gave up, assuming it wasn’t right for you. But if you give it another try, you may find what you are experiencing may have been your skin purging. 

Skin purging is the temporary process of your skin releasing toxins deep in the pores while it adjusts to new treatments. It is the reason you may have more acne than usual when you use a new product. It is very common and there are a few reasons why it happens. 


First: Clogged pores are unblocked
Conventional products may leave the top layer of your skin squeaky clean, but often leave behind the gunk that’s deep in your pores. They dry out your skin, so that it responds by sending more oil than necessary. 
Impurities slowly come to the surface as pimples, but products like our Devine Cleanse, Rose Glen or Oh My Papaya help to balance oil production and efficiently reach deeply into your skin, so anything that has been trapped can be released more quickly. 

Regular use of toner like our Meadow Mist or Rose Essentials can really change your skin for the better, restoring the pH balance of your skin to the optimal 5.5. When you use toner on your face regularly, the optimum pH level (acid mantle) is maintained which acts as a barrier to germs and bacteria while keeping the skin moisturized and healthy.

It is known that the pimples that would otherwise have come to the surface in future weeks and months, start to come out much more quickly and seemingly all at once.

Second: Clay draws out toxins
Our Café Grinde is made with kaolin clay, an ingredient known to absorb impurities that are stuck in the pores, while coffee grinds and dead sea salt boost cell turnover through exfoliation. These ingredients together can very commonly lead to skin purging when first using them. 

So basically, your new products are causing the upper layers of the skin to shed off while pushing all the gunk and bacteria in your skin out to the surface.

How to tell if your skin is purging or breaking out.
When your skin purges, you may experience heavier breakouts, but you should not have extra sensitivity or irritation to go with it. If you are noticing this, it is likely due to an allergic reaction.

Another difference between skin purging and breaking out is the duration with which it lasts. It should only take one full skin cycle to get through the worst of it.

Have patience before giving up.
Your skin needs a full skin cycle to push those toxins out from deep in your pores to be cleared from the surface. Wait at least 4-6 weeks to start seeing that glowing complexion.

Skin cycles vary and slow down with age, but on average, a full skin cycle (where a skin cell develops and is released at the surface) takes roughly 28-42 days. If you are breaking out for longer than six weeks, it likely is not due to skin purging.







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